Partnership Opportunities
The 4th Novel Conjugates Summit returns as an exclusive platform, uniting 100+ leaders in novel drug conjugate design and development. With the market for novel conjugates growing 18% year on year, highlight your company as a go-to solution provider to this area.
Shining a spotlight on the future of new payloads and targeting moieties, this summit offers an unparalleled opportunity for service providers to showcase their capabilities in conjugation and manufacturing for specialized approaches like peptide-drug conjugates, bispecific ADCs, oligonucleotide conjugates, and more.
Current Partners Include:
Experts Need Your Help With:
- Conjugation technologies for uniform DAR profile, stable linker attachment, and improved pharmacokinetic properties of novel bioconjugates
- Manufacturing for linker/payloads and targeting formats in bioconjugates such as radiopharmaceuticals, small molecule drug conjugates and peptide-drug conjugates
- Computational modeling & structure-based drug design for assisting with the design of innovative novel bioconjugate drugs like bispecific ADCs and peptide drug conjugates
- Animal modeling services for streamlining the notoriously tricky translation of novel bioconjugates into the clinic
Why Partner?
Pitch to an engaged, hyper-focused audience of decision-makers and innovators in bioconjugate development, all eager to explore cutting-edge solutions and form strategic partnerships to drive advancements in the field.
Showcase your expertise and educate prospectus partners on your conjugation technology and specialized manufacturing capabilities
Immerse yourself in 3 days’ worth of discussion and cutting-edge presentations to form an in-depth picture of the industry's current and future needs to tailor your services to be best placed to meet current and future business needs in the bioconjugate landscape
Who Will You Meet?